We want you!
Are you looking for a career change and the opportunity to work in a young, motivated team? Our family-run company is constantly on the lookout for new employees:
Servicemitarbeiter m/w in in Vollzeit/Teilzeit
Koch / Küchenkraft m/w in in Vollzeit/Teilzeit
Aushilfsmitarbeiter Service/Küche m/w auf 450 EUR Basis
Bankettmitarbeiter m/w für den Wochenenddienst
Send your complete application via email to info@gromerhof.de, by pst, or arrange a personal interview at
Tel. +49(0)83 94 – 5 94.
Point of contact:
Mrs. or Mr. Müller
Museumsgasthaus Gromerhof
D – 87758 Illerbeuren